Saturday, September 24, 2011


Who's heard of Joe Cross? The guy's been an inspiration for thousands of people since his documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It's basically about Joe and his battle against an autoimmune disease and a really bad lifestyle. It documents his progress over 60 days, during which all he consumes is fresh fruit and vegetable juice. He gets rid of his disease, his extra weight and the steroids he's been on for a long time.

Somebody recommended the documentary to us because the boy has had Lichen Planus for over half a year now, and nothing besides the steroids seems to help. And he doesn't want to be on steroids for too long. So he's starting week 3 of the juice fast today, and I have to say, I'm totally impressed by his willpower! For someone who will eat just about anything and everything just because it's there in front of him, to be so strict about having nothing but fruits, vegetables and nuts, is a really big deal. I think he's planning to do the juice fast for three weeks, and then going on to mainly fruits, vegetables, lentils and perhaps fish.

The lichen planus is starting to fade, and he's tapering the prednisone so we're just hoping and praying it stays away forever, insha Allah.

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